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compiling programの例文


  • Different from Linux, I don't have to compile programs to install them.
  • But I suppose with a compiled program, I have no such assurances.
  • Far easier would be to simply copy existing versions of already-compiled programs.
  • Modern C / C + + compilers also don t compile programs literally.
  • The compiled program can then be run on batches of data.
  • Microsoft's " PC BASIC Compiler " was included for compiling programs into DOS executables.
  • The Compile program was introduced in GoboLinux version 011.
  • Although CL is a scripting language for system administration, it is used mainly to create compiled programs.
  • This allows compiling programs which are considered under the GPL or are not considered under the GPL.
  • Can a version of G + + that runs under Linux compile programs to run console-mode in Windows?
  • These languages need to be compiled ( translated into assembly language ), or run through other compiled programs.
  • Compiled programs will typically use building blocks ( functions ) kept in a library of such object code modules.
  • It is available both as a system call for compiled programs, and an administrator command for interactive use and scripting.
  • They are executed in the same fashion as compiled programs, and run each line of the batch file as a command.
  • Compiled programs can be tested in AVD Manager emulators or on real Android devices using Android Debug Bridge and B4A Bridge.
  • As a result, it is never altered by the execution of the program, as the output of the compiled program shows:
  • Can someone point me in the right direction as to where to begin as to incorporating graphics calls into compiled programs .?
  • In Unix, an environment variable that is changed in a script or compiled program will only affect that process and possibly child processes.
  • "' FpgaC "'is a compiler for a subset of the C programming language, which produces digital circuits that will execute the compiled programs.
  • After finding a compiling program on the Internet, Thorne appears to kill Ma3a while the Tron code is compiled and attached to her program.
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